Drawing with a Glue gun, Selfies, Emojis
I have continued my exploration into invisibility, middle age and being a women and find the more I delve into this subject the more depressed I become. Once again we are given very mixed messages as to how to age, if you Google "middle aged women", there are loads of happy smiling faces staring back at you. On the one hand you are told to grow old gracefully on the other you are subjected in the media to women who have obviously had work done or are younger than they are portraying. The only time older women are really used is for such products as stair lifts or wide shoes. Don't get me wrong, everyone should be able to go through this stage of life in their own way. After all it was not that long ago when most women would have died in childbirth long before they reached the menopause. As I am slowly slipping into this stage I don't intend to become invisible or ignored but have explored this theme in my Artwork. Still using my favourite new drawing tool, the glue gun, I have created images of myself. Against a white background my image is invisible but once you create a shadow of it it emerges. (see below)

I also had a great time creating emojis of myself some of which I also made into glue gun images, and have created a 'mobile' called, 'Angry, Sad, Disappointed'!. I have filmed this and really enjoyed the interplay between the images and how striking the shadows become.

Vying for new favourite tool is poly filler
These are some of the emojis that I used for my mobile. Angry, Sad, Dissapointed can you guess which is which?
The image below, is created by making a stencil of me screaming then placing it onto mdf, I then filled the gaps with polly filler and removed the stencil to create this embossed effect. Love it! More to come think will probably go larger!

The Silent, Invisible, Scream.